G3 Policy Packages
For Nonprofit Organizations Located in Maryland:
1. G3 Basic Policies Package
2. G3 Conflict of Interest Policy - Expanded Version
3. G3 Endowment Policies Package
4. G3 Gift Acceptance Guidelines Package
For nonprofit organizations located in the District of Columbia, find out which G3 Policy Package is right for your nonprofit.
For nonprofit organizations located outside of MD & DC, find out which G3 Policy Package is right for your nonprofit.

1. G3 Basic Policies Package includes:
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Exhibit A to the Conflict of Interest Policy - Annual Disclosure Statement
- Whistleblower Policy
- Records Retention & Destruction Policy
- Disclosure Policy
- Form 990 Review Policy
- Contemporaneous Minutes Policy
G3 Basic Policies Package also includes:
- a 30-minute educational video relating to the Policies,
- a 10-minute video which discusses (A) the role of nonprofit fiduciaries, (B) the legal duties of a nonprofit fiduciary, (C) methods to limit the liability of the nonprofit's fiduciaries, and (D) the importance of a Mission Statement,
- a series of powerpoint slides for 3 consecutive Board meetings to foster understanding and approval by the Board for the entire package
- Board resolutions approving each policy within the package, and
- one (1) hour of consultation time.

2. G3 Conflict of Interest Policy - Expanded Version:
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Exhibit A to the Conflict of Interest Policy - Annual Disclosure Statement - Expanded Version
- Exhibit B to the Conflict of Interest Policy - Employees
G3 Conflict of Interest Policy — Expanded Version also includes:
- a 25-minute educational video relating to the Policy and Exhibits,
- a 10-minute video which discusses (A) the role of nonprofit fiduciaries, (B) the legal duties of a nonprofit fiduciary, (C) methods to limit the liability of the nonprofit's fiduciaries, and (D) the importance of a Mission Statement,
- a series of powerpoint slides for 3 consecutive Board meetings to foster understanding and approval by the Board for the entire package
- Board resolutions approving each policy within the package, and
- one (1) hour of consultation time.

3. G3 Endowment Policies Package:
- Endowment Policy
- Statement of Investment & Spending Policy
- Donor Agreements - For General Purposes
- Donor Agreements - For Special Purpose Funds
G3 Endowment Policies Package also includes:
- a 40-minute educational video relating to the Policies and Agreements,
- a 10-minute video which discusses (A) the role of nonprofit fiduciaries, (B) the legal duties of a nonprofit fiduciary, (C) methods to limit the liability of the nonprofit's fiduciaries, and (D) the importance of a Mission Statement,
- a series of powerpoint slides for 3 consecutive Board meetings to foster understanding and approval by the Board for the entire package
- Board resolutions approving each Policy and Donor Agreement within the package, and
- one (1) hour of consultation time.

4. G3 Gift Acceptance Guidelines Package:
- Gift Acceptance Guidelines
- Exhibit A to the Gift Acceptance Guidelines - Internal Process for Gift Acceptance
- Checklist #1 - Publicly Traded Securities
- Checklist #2 - Life Insurance
- Checklist #3 - Real Estate - Part 1 (General) and Part 2 (Environmental)
- Checklist #4 - Business Interests
- Checklist #5 - Tangible Personal Property
G3 Gift Acceptance Guidelines Package also includes:
- a 55-minute educational video relating to the Guidelines, Exhibit A, & the Checklists,
- a 10-minute video which discusses (A) the role of nonprofit fiduciaries, (B) the legal duties of a nonprofit fiduciary, (C) methods to limit the liability of the nonprofit's fiduciaries, and (D) the importance of a Mission Statement,
- a series of powerpoint slides for 3 consecutive Board meetings to foster understanding and approval by the Board for the entire package
- Board resolutions approving the Guidelines, and
- one (1) hour of consultation time.
For disclaimers and limitations on use of a G3 Policy Package, please see our FAQ.

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How GetGoodGovernance (G3) for Nonprofits Can Assist You

What are the G3 Policy Packages and G3 Legal Review?